Here's What Happened At PSX 2017's Opening Night

PlayStation Experience was organized a little differently this year with its game showcase taking place last night rather than today and no real keynote speech. Announcements were a little light as well. Regular games are still getting new VR capability added and hey, MediEvil is getting remastered. 
Instead of standing speeches and and intermittent trailers the PSX 2017 opening ceremony consisted mostly of people sitting on a couch onstage giggling about games that already released like Horizon Zero Dawn or imminent releases like God of War as people in the audience shouted random stuff in excitement. As one person in the Twitch chat put it, the night was more of a laid back podcast than blockbuster affair. Sony executive Shawn Layden didn’t have too many bombshell announcements. Or any really. In fact it was a pretty quiet night over all. We’ve collected some of the more notable highlights below.